The Society of PEth Research (PEth-NET) will host its 2022 conference under the title
“PEth in Mind”
The conference will take place in Basel, Switzerland, as a two-day in-person meeting at the devil’s court (Teufelhof).
Date: 19-20th May 2022
Location: Teufelhof, Basel, Switzerland
Audience: PEth-NET Members/Laboratories measuring PEth
Language: English
Format: in-person only
How to get to Basel: directions are available here
Accommodation: Accommodation options must be arranged individually. Rooms are available directly at the Teufelhof at a discounted rate (conference contingency, run of the house).
Abstract submission is closed
Registration is closed, the conference is SOLD OUT
Day 1: We will start the meeting with a keynote presentation by our PEth-NET Scientific Board member Professor Dr. Wolfgang Weinmann from the Institute of Forensic Medicine Bern, Switzerland, followed by a morning full of PEth presentations from you, our PEth-NET members. In the afternoon we plan to learn and discuss how our member’s laboratories are analyzing PEth and interpreting results. For this session, each participating laboratory is invited to present its approach during a 15-20 minutes presentation. Afterward, the first day of the meeting will end with a nice dinner where the knowledge gained can be deepened even further.
Day 2: On the second day of the meeting, we will discuss the gained information from the previous day, to see if there is a possibility to find and set common standards for PEth analysis, cut-off concentrations, and interpretation (PEth harmonization). Overall, we are aiming in having a rather active congress where members are asked to engage personally (workshop).
The scientific abstracts are available by following this link.
The laboratory abstracts are available by following this link.
Awards: The society of PEth Research will once again present two awards, one for the best presentation and one for the best innovation. The two awards will be presented by Shimadzu.

Thank you to our Sponsors

Meeting Registration is closed (the conference is SOLD OUT)
The Abstract Booklet is available here