
The Society of PEth Research (PEth-NET)

These bylaws have been established by the Board of Directors (Board) of The Society of PEth Research based on §5/5 of its Articles of Incorporation, and have been voted into effect at the Board meeting of 15th October 2020.

1. Membership

1.1. Application and Admission Procedure

Application for membership must be submitted to the Executive Office in writing. Corresponding forms will be available on the webpage. The following requirements must be provided upon membership application

1) CV

2) two sponsors

1.2. Admission Criteria

According to §3/2 of the Articles of Incorporation, the Board will evaluate all submitted applications and decide at its own discretion on the admission. In addition to supporting the goals of the society and taking an interest in actively contributing to the worldwide PEth research community, a potential member is required to adhere to the Articles of Incorporation as well as these Bylaws.

An application for membership to The Society of PEth Research will be evaluated against the following criteria:

1)Demonstrated expertise in PEth research

2)Proof of serious interest in PEth as defined by The Society of PEth Research

3)Capability to contribute to the mission of the society

The decision by the Board is communicated in writing to the applicant and is final.

1.3. Membership Fee (§3/3 of the Articles of Incorporation)

The membership fee is determined by the Board and will be invoiced on an annual basis.

1.4. Member Contribution to Society Activities

Members of the society participate actively in the discussion amongst experts of PEth research. They contribute to the development of valid and accepted standards and methods in PEth testing by:

–>The application of PEth research

–>Development/validation of methods in their own laboratory

–>Peer review and substantiation of methods from other members

–>Participation in the activities of the society

1.5. End of Membership (§3/4 + 5)

Members can declare their resignation from The Society of PEth Research at any time. The resignation will come into effect only after a notice period of 3 months. For the remaining period, the membership fee can be invoiced on a pro-rata basis.

Exclusion of a member by the Board comes in effect immediately. Membership fees will be reimbursed on a pro-rata basis.

2. Board (§5)

2.1. Nomination and Election Procedure

Members, who would like to stand for election as a member of the Board must be supported by at least 2 fellow members. The application to stand for elections must be submitted to the Executive Office and will be presented by the Board to the Annual Assembly of Members in an uncommented format.

The Board may nominate any candidate to be suggested for election by the Assembly of Members.

Members of the Board are elected by a simple majority of the members present.


The President represents The Society of PEth Research in legal matters. The president will call and chair all the meetings of the Board as well as the Assembly of Members. In indecisive elections and votes, the President has the casting vote.

He will report activities quarterly to the Board.


The Vice-President represents The Society of PEth Research and supports the President to run the society. He is responsible for the running of the society in the absence of the President, and is accountable for decisions which are made.


The Treasurer represents The Society of PEth Research in financial matters and has the responsibility for the society’s funds. The Treasurer will submit to the Board annually a detailed budget for the forthcoming fiscal year and will update the Board on current financial accounts. The Treasurer will present to the Board the detailed Annual Statements of income and expenditure for approval and will present an overview to the Assembly of Members. The expenditure competencies are defined by the Board.


The Board will delegate the administrative tasks of the Society of PEth Research to a Secretary. The responsibilities and tasks will be defined by the Board and can include among others:

a) Management of the member administration

b) Financial management of the accounts / invoicing

c) Administrative support for the Board

2.3. Compensation

The members of the Board will receive no compensation. Reimbursement of documented expenses (such as travel cost) is subject to approval by the Board.

6. Amendments to the Bylaws

A proposal to amend the Bylaws may be submitted by (1) a written proposition submitted by a member of the Board at a meeting of the Board, or (2) a written petition signed by at least 10 members of the society submitted to the President at least 30 days prior to a meeting of the Board, where the petition will be considered.

The proposed amendments become effective when it is declared adopted by the Board.

The membership must be informed, whenever the Bylaws are amended either through personal message, publication on the website, or at the Assembly of Members.