Article of Incorporation

PEth-NET- The Society of PEth Research

§ 1 Name / Registered Office

The name of the association is “The Society of PEth Research (PEth-NET)”. It is an organization pursuant to Article 60ff of the Swiss Code of Civil Law. It is a non-profit organization that is politically and religiously independent.

2 It is based in Basel/Switzerland.

§ 2 Purpose

1 The society shall promote the use of PEth testing

2 By bringing together representatives from academia, industry, research, regulatory and standard-setting bodies, the Association particularly aims to

–>Provide a platform to unify global experts for PEth research

–>Provide information about PEth testing and novel publications

–>Promote the analysis of PEth for the assessment of drinking behavior

–>Promote research in forensic, clinical, and occupational sciences

–>Organize meetings and workshops

–>Encourage scientific cooperation and exchange among members and external partners

3 In pursuing its objectives, the society may publish educational materials, issue guidelines and journals and organize scientific meetings, educational and training events. It may liaise with scientific societies, governments or governmental agencies as well as industry in pursuance of its purposes.

§ 3 Membership

1 The Society of PEth Research consists of individual members.

2 The Board shall decide at its own discretion on the admission of members on the basis of a written application, which has to be submitted according to the procedure set forth in the society’s Bylaws. In submitting the application, the member accepts the provisions in these Articles of Incorporation as well as compliance with the stipulations in the Bylaws.

3 The membership fee is determined by the Board.

4 Resignation from The Society of PEth Research may be declared in writing to the Board at any time.

5 The Board may exclude members from the society at any time, if a member contravenes with the interest of the society. In addition, the Board is entitled to exclude any member from the society, without being obliged to give any reason. Its decision is final.

6 Persons who have resigned or have been excluded shall have no claims to the assets of the society.

§ 4 Bodies

1 The bodies of The Society of PEth Research are:

a. the Board of Directors (Board)

b. the Assembly of Members

§ 5 Board of Directors (Board)

1 The Board shall consist of a maximum of 5 voting members.

2 The members of the Board are elected by the Assembly of Members by a simple majority. They shall be elected for a term of 2 years.

3 The executive power of the society shall be vested in the Board. The Board shall pass resolutions with the majority of the members present at the Board meeting. The President has the casting vote. Decisions by the Board may be taken by circular letter.

4 The Board shall elect its President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, as well as the Treasurer from among its elected members. The Board may appoint additional ad hoc non-voting members to deal with particular matters.

5 The Board shall issue Bylaws, stipulating the representation of The Society of PEth Research as well as the standard operating procedures. The Bylaws are periodically revised and brought to the attention of the Assembly of Members.

§ 6 Assembly of Members

1 The Assembly of Members is convened by the Board and is the supreme body of the society.

2 Each member has one vote. The Assembly of Members shall discuss and vote on the proposals that are submitted and duly announced by the Board and passes its resolutions by a majority of the members present, with the exception of the stipulations in paragraph 8.

3 Decision by the Assembly of Members may be taken by circular letter.

§ 7 Finances and Liability

1 The society’s major source of income will be:

a. Donations and contributions

b. Grants from public and private institutions

c. Membership fees

2 The liabilities and obligations of the society towards third parties may be enforced only against its assets.

3 The responsibility of a member towards the society’s liability is limited to the annual membership due which is fixed by the Assembly of Members.

§ 8 Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation and Dissolution

1 Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation and the dissolution of the society require a qualified majority of 2/3 of the members present. The President has the casting vote.

§ 9 Final Provisions

1 The present Articles of Incorporation have been enacted at the founding Assembly of Members on October, 15, 2020.